Summer Farm School

Ages 3-6 and 6-12

Farm School provides four weeks of outdoor exploration for children ages three to twelve. We will observe the changes on a farm from spring to summer. Our day starts by visiting the laying hens and feeding them compost or kitchen scraps. Then we walk back to our base camp in the northeast corner of the farm.

Each day, there will be an activity or lesson related to our weekly theme, followed by a snack, read aloud, and exploration time for each age group. Exploration can include unstructured play at our base camp, hikes around the farm and/or through the marsh, and critter catching in the meadow. Extra hot days may end with time in the sprinkler!

Weekly themes are as follows*:

*Themes are subject to change/evolve until May, when plans are solidified. Activity length will be based on the interests of the children in each group!

Program Options:
Open June 2 - June 27
Monday - Friday 8:00 - 12:30
Can register for 2 weeks or 4 weeks
Requirements: Children must be potty-trained.

Joyfield Farm

4874 E 1400 N

North Manchester, IN 46962